Premises Liability on Halloween

Later this month, trick-or-treaters will be running on and off your property as they collect their candy on Halloween. With so many visitors, it is important to know about premises liability. Premises liability cases involve an injury that occurred on another’s property as a result of some sort of hazardous condition that the property owner…

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Eggshell Plaintiff Rule

What happens if someone is negligently knocked to the ground, and they have a medical condition that make it more likely their bones will break? Should the person who pushed this person be held liable for broken bones if someone without this condition would not have suffered as severe of an injury? This kind of…

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New Age of Distracted Driving

There are more tempting distractions than ever while you drive. Today, most new cars come equipped with a large screen that contains music playlists, texts, and some even play movies. In order to balance the convenience of this screen with public safety, automakers have implemented many safety features. These measures are taken to ensure these…

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Driving in the Rain

April showers may bring May flowers, but can also cause many crashes. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, about 21% of all motor vehicle crashes involve hazardous weather and about 418,000 people are injured each year in weather-related motor vehicle crashes. Whenever you drive, you assume a duty of care to others on the…

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Snow and Ice Removal Act

We’ve all had those scary instances where we step on a patch of snow or ice, slip, and fall!  What may come as a surprise to you, property owners are not required to remove ice and snow from their owned property under Illinois’ Snow and Ice Removal Act. This law gives immunity to landowners who…

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